Your Representative Virtual Office Business Address


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What ist the special in a Virtual Office address at Business Center Saarn?

The appearence of the listed house (an elegant, restored building of 1750) as well as the situation in the so called "village Saarn" are unusual compared to other business centers and virtual office suppliers.

Is there a phone number besides the virtual office address?

Yes, one or more phone numbers can be booked. They are phone numbers of the town Mülheim and can be used for free within Germany (flatrate to landline and cell phones).

What happens with mails sent to the business center?

Incoming post is collected and passed on once a week or optionally daily. Nevertheless, packages are not accepted.

Where can I find more information and a contract for my Virtual Office in Germany?

Please have a look at the Virtual Office Website.

Is there an office service or secretary?

Yes, a secretary can be booked at any time but is not part of the virtual office contract.

For whom does the Virtual Office offer apply to?

Target group are big enterprises looking for a subsidiary address, companys of all sizes, founders and freelancers.